Team > Felix Bretschneider
Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Macromolecular Chemistry II
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (University Bayreuth) (2018)
Title of Bachelor Thesis: "Darstellung und Charakterisierung binärer PLimC/Polyesterblends" (Prof. Greiner)
Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Macromolecular Chemistry II
Research Interests:
- Surface Modifications
- E-Spinning
Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Macromolecular Chemistry II
Neumann, Simon; Hu, Pin; Bretschneider, Felix; Schmalz, Holger; Greiner, Andreas
Blends of Bio-Based Poly(Limonene Carbonate) with Commodity Polymers
in Macromolecular Materials and Engineering volume 306 (2021) issue 7
doi:10.1002/mame.202100090 ...
Bailer, Janina; Feth, Stefan; Bretschneider, Felix; Rosenfeldt, Sabine; Drechsler, Markus; Abetz, Volker; Schmalz, Holger; Greiner, Andreas
Synthesis and self-assembly of biobased poly(limonene carbonate)-block-poly(cyclohexene carbona ...
in Green Chemistry volume 21 (2019) issue 9. - page 2266-2272
doi:10.1039/c9gc00250b ...
Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Macromolecular Chemistry II
Felix Bretschneider
PhD candidate
Building: NW II Room: 5.1 01 007
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4442